Tirtzah BASSEL

Brooklyn-based artist Tirtzah Bassel, born in 1979, creates images and spaces that moves people to see the familiar in unexpected ways. Her figurative paintings and site-responsive installations draw attention to the presumed neutrality of ubiquitous spaces like airports and supermarkets, and Canon in Drag – a series of paintings in the style of iconic artworks – subverts the authority of canonical images through gender flipping and altered narratives.
Née en 1979 .
Vit et travaille à Brooklyn, NY.
MFA in painting, Boston University, Boston, MA.
Jerusalem Studio School, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Little Deaths, RX & SLAG, Paris, France
- Canon in Drag, Slag Gallery, New York, NY.
- Close One Eye, Slag Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
- When You are Everywhere, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart, Allemagne.
- Keynote, Ortega y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn, NY.
- Volta NY, Slag Gallery, New York, NY.
-Terminal, BRIC Arts Media House, Brooklyn, NY.
- Rites, Slag Gallery, NY (Two Person).
- I want To Hold You Close, Open Source Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
- PERFORM, Firehouse Plaza Art Gallery, Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY.
- The Line Starts Here, Slag Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
- Duct Tape Miami, Gliter&__, Miami, FL.
- Stop and Frisk, Strivers Gardens Gallery, Harlem New York, NY.
- El Paso/Juarez : Your dreams Available Now, Purple Pop Up, El Paso, TX.
- Airport In Security, Chashama 416 Gallery, New York, NY.
- TSA Chapel, LABA Fellowship, Ney York, NY.
- MFA Thesis Show, 808 Gallery, Boston University, Boston, MA.
- Pieces of Change, Solo Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel (curator : Danna Taggar Heller)
- Milk Tongue, Martin-Mullen Gallery, SUNY Oneanta, Oneanta, NY
- PLATFORM, in partnership with David Zwirner, New York, NY.
- Tomorrow’s Women, Natasha Arselan Gallery, Londres, UK.
- Curated Choice. Female Figuration, ENTER Art Fair, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Copenhague, Danemark.
- Unconquerable Women, Benefit Against Abortion Ban in Texas, Marthas Contemporary, Austin TX
- Scapes, Slag Gallery, New York, NY.
- Domestic Brutes, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY (curators : Chirstina Massey and Etty Yaniv).
- Collective Disquiet, Musa Collective, Boston, MA (virtual).
- Instal/De-instal, 601 Artspace, New York, NY (curator : Gabriela Vainsancher).
- Volta Bassel, Slag Gallery, Basel, Suisse.
- Art Karlsruhe, Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Rheinstetten, Allemagne.
- Four New York Painters, Tirtzah Bassel, Dumitro Gorzo, Tim Kent, et Dan Voinea, Kunstverein Worms & Kunstverein Vierhnheim en collaboration de Kunstverein Stuttgart, Allemagne.
- Art@ SAP, SAP International Training Center, Walldorf, Allemagne (curator : Alexandra Cozgarea).
- Home Land Security, FOR-SITE Foundation, San Francisco, CA.
- Adhere, Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, NJ.
- Hort Foundation Benefit Exhibition and Auction, Bosi Contemporary Gallery, New York, NY.
- Human Territory, Slag Contemporary Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY.
- Volta Basel, Slag Gallery, Basel, Suisse.
- Convergence, 808 Gallery, Boston University, Boston, MA
- ROOMS, Gitler&__, New York, NY.
- Line. Grid. Black. White. Dreitzer Gallery, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA.
- From Origin to Originality, Contemporary Israeli Art, The Laurie M Tisch Gallery, at the JCC, Manhattan, NY.
- Faculty Show, Weili Art Gallery, New York, NY.
- Pop Up – Pop In, Amalgamated Artsitd, New York, NY.
- I am my Beloved, Performance Project, LABA Theater, New York, NY.
- In Bodies That Don’t Keep, Two Person Show, Commonwealth Gallery, Boston, MA.
- 25th International Exhibition, Musuem of Fine Arts Florida, Tallahassee, FL Market, RKB Gallery, UK.
- Realization of Dreams, Rubin-Frankel Gallery, Boston, MA.
- Boston Young Contemporaries, 808 Gallery, Boston MA.
- Imagine Desire, Aegis First Biennal, Hite Art Institue, University of Louisville, KY.
- Boston Printmakers, 2009 North American Print Biennal, 808 Gallery, Boston MA.
- Genesis, Collaborative Performance Project, American Dance Festival, Duke University, Durham.
- Home for Hebrew Culture, Tel Aviv, Israël.
- New York, High Touch Gallery, Herliya, Israël.
- Work in Progress, Art Space Gallery, Jerusalem, Israël.
PRESS (selection)
- BBC Radio 4: Front Row, Artist Tirtzah Bassels Canon in Drag Reimagines art history without the patriarchy, July 20th.
- Lilith Magazine, Artist Tirtzah Bassels Female Gaze, Susan Schur, November 15th, 2021.
- The Art Newspaper, Canon in Drag: Tirtzah Bassel, Etty Yaniv, September 22nd.
- Rethinking Painting, Nancy Princenthal, Raphael Rubinstein, Jutta. Koether, Barry Schwabsky, edited with an introduction by Joan Waltermath,
- The Leroy Hofflberg School of Painting at MICA.
- The Journal News, Pelham exhibit "a realistic picture of what it means to be a women today " M. Falkenstein, Sept 16
- Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Die Stille Vor Dem Blick: Aktuelle Ausstellungen die. Israelische Malerin Tirtzah Bassel Jetz in der Galerie Thomas Fuchs - wird sich die Kunstwelt erobern, Nikolai B. Forstbauer, October 19 2018.
- Stuttgarter Zeitung, Einmal Waschen und Legen, Galerienotizen, Dr. Georg Leisten, October 5th.
- Le Monde Diplomatique, Artist of the Month, Wilhelm Werthern, December 7th
- Wormser Zeitung, New Yorker Kunst Worms und Viernheim, Sophia Rishyna, April 4th.
- SFAQ, Home Land at the Presidio, Gabrielle Gopinath,December 15th.
- Hyperallergic, Stories of War and Survival Unfold in San Francisco's Presidio, Thea Quiray Tagle, November 16th.
- ArtLtd Magazine, Report: San Francisco, Leora Lutz, November.
- Freize Magazine, Home Land Security, Rob Marks, October 24th.
- KQED, “Artwork and Setting Depict Post-9/11 World,” Matthew Harrison Tedford, September 26th.
- SF Weekly, “For-site is 20/20,” Jonathan Curiel, September 22nd.
- The Bay Area Reporter,“Coastal Art Installations,” Sura Wood September 15th.
- KQED Forum, “Homeland Security Installation Comes to San Francisco’s Presidio Barracks,” M. Krasny, September 13th.
- The Art Newspaper, “Political Art That Packs A Punch,” Jori Finkel, September 9th.
- Curbed SF,“Exclusive Look at Art inside Presidio’s Abandoned Bunkers,” Adam Brinklow, Sept.9
- San Fransisco Chronicle,“Foundation Puts Ballistics Test Inside Mothballed Presidio Bunker, Sam Whiting, September 7th.
- C Magazine, “Safe Haven,” Leilani Labong, September.
- SF/ARTS, “New Presidio Exhibit Illuminates Complex Social Issues,” Jean Schiffman, Sept.2016
- San Francisco magazine, “Make Art Not War,” Annie Tittiger, September.
- The New York Times, A ‘Home Land Security’ Art Show, at the Foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, J. Finkel, June 23rd.
- KQED,Ex-Military Bunkers to Host Major Group Exhibition in San Francisco, C. Veltman June 23
- San Francisco Chronicle, For-Site Show coming to Presidio in September, Sam Whiting June 23rd.
- BK Live, Tirtzah Bassel’s Duct Tape Art, March 17th.
- Visual Arts Center of New Jersey Exhibition Catalog, Exposing Adhesives, Katherine Murdock.
- Brooklyn Hits, Interview with Garret Lawson, March 17th.
- The Boston Globe, BU's Abstract Ace Shows His Stripes, Cate McQuaid, December 2nd.
- Poets and Artists, Substance, Daniel Maidman, Issue #56, June 2014.
- Metalptic, Tirtzah Bassel at Slag Gallery, Tatiana Isotmina, May 9th.
- Arts in Bushwick, An Odd Symbiosis: Action in Non- Action, Etty Yaniv, April 23rd.
- Prologue Profiles, Interview with Dan Held, April 13th.
- The Huffington Post, Tirtzah Bassel Transform Duct Tape, Vanessa Albury, March 26th.
- Hyperallergic, The Miami Fairs, Rendered in Duct Tape, Vanessa Albury, March 26th.
- Atribune, Miami Updates: Non-Solo Fiere, Santa Nastro, December 8th.
- Journal of Absence: New York, Bookieman Publications, July12th.
- El Paso Inc., The Border Through a Visitors Eyes, Austin Savage, May 29th.
- El Paso Inc., Pop Up Art: Your Dreams Available Now, Melody Parra, May 22nd.
- El Diario de El Paso, Expaone su art visual insirada en la Vida en la frontera, Sergio Arellan, May 19th.
- Untapped Cities, A Tribecca Art Exhbition shown in 'Rooms', Abby Sam Thomas, March 8th.
- Sketch 42, Airport Insecurity, Nicole Cohen, Februrary 18th.
- Buddy of Work, Oil &Duct Tape, January 23rd.
- The One Way Ticket Show, Interview with Steven Shalowitz, October 9th.
- Waters Edge: Conversations with Three Artist, Intervieww with Davy Knitted, August 21st.
- The Sisterhood/ The Jewish Daily Forward, Getting Inmate at the Airport, Interview with Gabrielle Bikner, May 16th.
- Ynet/Yediot Acharonot, The Heart of LABA, Interview with Yasmin Shemesh (in Hebrew), May15th.
- America Israel Cultural Foundation website, Featured Artist: Tirtzah Bassel, May 13th.
- Speakers Lab Exploring New Perspectoves on Jewish Identity,Interview with Helena Gindi, April 11th.
- Ynet/Yediot Acharonot, Contemporary Conceptualism, Leor Grady(in Hebrew); March 1st.
- Globes Israeli Business Daily, A Window of Opportunity at the Central Bus Station, Hagit. Peleg Rotem, February 7th.
- Faculty, Visual and Critical Studies., Continuing Education Department, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY.
- Vice President of Partnerships and Jewish Learning, OneTable, New York, NY.
- Program Director, Lippman Kanfer Foundation, Brooklyn, NY.
- Founding Director and Senior Educator, Pop Up for change, 14th street Y, New York, NY.
- Assitant Director, Brandeis Institute for Music and Art, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA.
- Visual Arts Instructor, Brandeis Institute for Music and Art, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA.
- Visual Arts Instructor, School of the Arts, 92nd Street Y, New York, NY.
- Instructor of Record, Figure Drawing, Boston University, Boston, MA.
- Senior Educator & Program Coordinator, The Nesiya Institue, Jerusalem, Israel Interracial Dialog Facilitator.
2020- present
- Board Member, Faith in/ and Democracy Advisory Board, Philanthopy for Active Civic Engagment (PACE), Washington DC.
2014 - 2018
- Board Member, Visual Arts Advisory Board, School of Visual Arts, Boston University College of Fine Arts, Boston, MA.
- Member of Review Panel, BRIC Arts Media House, Brooklyn, NY.
- Artist Panel: Birthing Bodies/Birthing Art, Conference: Mother’s Milk – Breastfeeding from Metaphor to Practice, with Loudon Wainwright III, Tirtzah
- Bassel, Katie Umans, Shilpa Darivemula and Isha Parupudi (Aseemkala Initiative),University of New Hampshire Visiting Artist, Visual Arts Department
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA.
- Visiting Artist, Dance Department, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
- Visiting Artist, Print Media Department, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Detroit, MI.
- Visiting Artist, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Detroit, MI.
- Visiting Artist, Parsons The New School of Design, New York, NY.
- Visiting Artist, University of The Arts, Philadelphia, PA.
- Visiting Artist Lecture, L.E. Hoffberger Graduate School of Painting, Maryland Institue College of Art, Baltimore, MD.
- Visiting Artist Lecture, Nassum Community College, Garden City, NY.
- Visiting Artist Lectur Stanlee & Gerald Rubin Center for Visual Arts, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX.
- Visiting Artist Lecture Davidson College, Davidson, NC.
- Studio Residency, Chashama Workspace Program, Brooklyn, NY.
2013, 2016
- Asylum Arts, International Artist Retreat, Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY.
- Awesome without Borders Grant, The Harnisch Foundation, New York, NY.
- LABA Arist Fellowship, 14th street Y, New York, NY.
- Arist Residency, I-Park Foundation, East Haddam, CT.
2002, 2003
- Arist Residency, International School of Drawing Painting and Sculture, Umbria, Italy.
- Boston University Woman's Council Scholarship, Boston University.
- Dean's Scholar Award, College of Fine Arts at Boston University.